
@chromium.org>#2Feb3,201410:53PM.Abletoreproducetheissueonmentionedchromeversion.ThisisanonregressionasissueisobservedfromM24-24.0 ...,SearchYouTubefeatherbeta.ItremovesprettymucheverythingfromYouTubeexceptthevideoandisanofficialGooglefeature.Idi...。參考影片的文章的如下:


chrome is very confused by youtube feather beta [41087065]

@chromium.org> #2 Feb 3, 2014 10:53PM. Able to reproduce the issue on mentioned chrome version. This is a non regression as issue is observed from M24 - 24.0 ...

Search "YouTube feather beta". It removes pretty much ...

Search YouTube feather beta. It removes pretty much everything from YouTube except the video and is an official Google feature. I didn't even notice this ...

Youtube 簡單版《Youtube Feather》精簡介面加速瀏覽

2013年5月11日 — Youtube Feather beta 介紹:. 網站位址:http://www.youtube.com/feather_beta. 這是原本的Youtube 影片介面。 04. 當我們進到Feather 設定頁面開啟 ...

Load Youtube Videos Faster with YouTube Feather Beta

2012年7月25日 — To enjoy the YouTube video faster you must try the YouTube Feather Beta, when you enter the YouTube Feather Beta program you can see the lighter ...

Is feather beta gone?

2014年6月18日 — I went to sign up again as my browser cleared the preference and I can't find it. Am I bad at the internet or did youtube quietly take it down?

Use YouTube "Feather" For Slow Internet Connections

This is an opt-in beta for “Feather” support on YouTube. The “Feather” project is intended to serve YouTube video watch pages with the lowest latency possible.


@chromium.org>#2Feb3,201410:53PM.Abletoreproducetheissueonmentionedchromeversion.ThisisanonregressionasissueisobservedfromM24-24.0 ...,SearchYouTubefeatherbeta.ItremovesprettymucheverythingfromYouTubeexceptthevideoandisanofficialGooglefeature.Ididn'tevennoticethis ...,2013年5月11日—YoutubeFeatherbeta介紹:.網站位址:http://www.youtube.com/feather_beta.這是原本的Youtube影片介面。04.當我們進...